Osteoarthritis Research

The Osteoarthritis Research Team is a large and highly collaborative team which focuses on all aspects of clinical and translational research in osteoarthritis.

We work closely with multidisciplinary teams, including the Back Pain Research Team and are committed to designing and testing innovative, accessible, technology-based interventions that could accelerate recovery and decrease the burden of musculoskeletal pain globally.

Our research focuses on numerous aspects of osteoarthritis including the epidemiology of osteoarthritis, imaging in osteoarthritis, clinical trials, novel therapies in disease management and health services research for chronic disease management.

Our team is working to:

  • Investigate the epidemiology of osteoarthritis;
  • Improve the management of osteoarthritis by evaluating common and novel treatments;
  • Improve the quality of life for people with osteoarthritis by promoting and providing evidence-based resources and treatments.

Professor David Hunter

Florance and Cope Chair of Rheumatology
Professor of Medicine, University of Sydney

Dr Jillian Eyles

Research Fellow

Dr Leticia Deveza

Research Fellow

Dr Sarah Kobayashi

Research Fellow


Dr Vicky Duong

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr Jocelyn Bowden

Senior Research Fellow

Karen Arruda-Schuck - Clinical Trials Coordinator

Lon Guglielmino - Research Admininstration Officer 

Dr Sarah Robbins - Project Manager

Dr Xiaoqian Liu - Clinical Research Fellow

Simone (Mimi) Dennis - Clinical Trial Assistant 

Ka Martina - PhD Student

Naomi Simick Behera - PhD Student

Bimbi Gray - PhD Student

Abdolhay Farivar - Visiting Researcher

Bailey Walker - Research Assistant

Naomi Bloul - Clinical Trials Officer

Karen Bracken - Clinical Trials Program Lead

Frances Daley - Project Manager

Md Abu Siddiq - PhD Student

Zhaohua (Alex) Zhu - Research Fellow

Benjamin Faber - Visiting Researcher

Michelle Hall - Associate Professor

Jie Jia - Visiting Researcher  

Scott Cherry - Clinical Trials Coordinator

Emily Si - Clinical Trials Coordinator

Emily Williamson - Clinical Trials Coordinator

(Maryann) Vineeta Kurien - Clinical Trial Project Manager

Shiwen (Wendy) Yuan - Visiting Researcher

Mila Van de Pol - Visiting Student

William Tedja - Honours student

Alan Nguyen - Clinical Trial Coordinator

Kate Bryce - PhD Student

The aim of the osteoarthritis department is to advance the understanding of the musculoskeletal system. The main focus of our research includes clinical and translational research in osteoarthritis.

  • Investigating biomarkers in OA
  • Knee force project - investigating occupations with excessive knee joint force
  • PATHway - participatory health through behavioural engagement and disruptive digital technology following total knee replacement
  • PARTNER - optimising primary care management of knee osteoarthritis
  • Excellence study – The safety of a new injectable investigational medication and how effective it may be in treating the pain, inflammation and mobility symptoms of osteoarthritis in the knee
  • SCUlpTOR study – comparing the effectiveness of stem cell injections versus placebo for those with knee osteoarthritis

New trial to determine if diet and exercise alone can prevent knee osteoarthritis

New trial to determine if diet and exercise alone can prevent knee osteoarthritis

In one of the first global clinical trials of its kind, researchers have launched a study to investi..... Read more

Clinical Trials Champion

Clinical Trials Champion

As a clinical trials program lead at the Kolling Institute, Dr Karen Bracken has long been driven to..... Read more

Partnership to drive innovation in genomic science

Partnership to drive innovation in genomic science

An exciting partnership between AGRF Ltd (Australian Genome Research Facility) and the University of..... Read more