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Funding support

Philanthropic support building our research expertise.

A collection of researchers will develop their skills and establish crucial new collaborations following generous funding through the Skipper Charitable Trust. Six researchers have received a 2024 Beryl and Jack Jacobs Travel Award, enabling them to travel for conferences and work with experts across the globe. Academic Director Professor James Elliott was thrilled to announce the successful recipi.....
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Category: Funding support, Research Excellence

Bad knees might cause broken hearts.

Exciting research is set to get underway investigating a ground-breaking approach to reduce osteoarthritis associated heart disease. Kolling Institute researcher Professor Chris Little will lead the project after receiving a highly competitive National Health and Medical Research Council Ideas grant of close to a million dollars. Professor Little and Dr Cindy Shu from the Raymond Purves Bone and Jo.....
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Category: Funding support, Musculoskeletal Research, Research Excellence

Grant success for our innovative ideas.

Related links: Musculoskeletal Cardiovascular and Renal Neuroscience and Pain
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Category: Funding support, Research Excellence

New grant announced for up-and-coming Kolling Institute researcher .

One of our impressive researchers has taken out a prestigious national award to broaden treatment options for diabetes. Despite tough competition, Cameron Evans from the Cardiovascular Discovery Group has been awarded the 2024 Australian Centre for Accelerating Diabetes Innovation (ACADI) PhD grant. The funding means Cameron will be able to progress his research investigating the use of a new medic.....
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Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, Funding support

Kolling researchers to inform best care for those with a spinal cord injury.

The expertise of our rehabilitation researchers at the Kolling Institute has been recognised with a prestigious international competitive grant to investigate the impact length of stay has on rehabilitation outcomes following a spinal cord injury. The National Institute of Health in the US has awarded more than $9 million to the overall project, with more than $750,000 coming to Australia. The five.....
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Category: Funding support, Neuroscience and Pain Research, Research Excellence

Philanthropy supporting our emerging leaders .

Funding from the Skipper Jacobs Charitable Trust has helped a group of our young research leaders broaden their experience and establish new collaborations. Close to $40,000 was shared amongst five early-to-mid career researchers, allowing them to travel nationally and internationally to progress their research and develop new skills. One of those to receive funding is Dr Kenji Fujita, an early-car.....
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Category: Awards, Funding support, Research Excellence

Significant investment in our research announced.

A large collection of research projects will get off the ground following generous funding through the Ramsay Research and Teaching Fund Scheme. The scheme has directed more than $10 million to research on the Royal North Shore Hospital campus over the last 20 years, and this year a further $850,000 will be shared across 17 projects. A diverse range of studies will be supported, strengthening inves.....
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Category: Awards, Funding support, Research Excellence

Crucial funds strengthening our research expertise.

A group of researchers will have the chance to broaden their skills and establish new collaborations following a funding boost from the Royal North Shore Hospital Scientific Staff Council. The council has awarded 12 travel grants to scientists working within the district and the Kolling Institute. The diverse group of leaders is driving research progress into heart and kidney disease, cancer, muscu.....
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Category: Funding support, Research Excellence

Technology giving our researchers the edge.

Impressive new infrastructure at the Kolling Institute is set to drive progress with our research into cancer and neuroscience. The equipment includes a digital spatial profiling system, which is regarded as one of the most exciting technological advances globally in the investigation of tissues. The $525,000 instrument has been made possible following a LIEF grant through the Australian Research C.....
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Category: Funding support

Act of generosity continues to deliver hope for those with cancer.

The Kolling Institute hosted a special visit by the family of the late Bill Walsh who donated vital funds to establish a cancer laboratory within the Kolling. His family, including his wife, daughters and grandchildren visited the lab to maintain their strong ties with the research team and meet with Academic Director Professor Jim Elliott. Established in 1980, the Bill Walsh Cancer Research Labora.....
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Category: Funding support, Research Excellence