Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre

Our research at the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre focuses on developing and communicating evidence-based research for best practice dementia care in the clinical and community settings.

We are a team with expertise across a range of disciplines, all working to improve the lives of people with dementia. We focus on priority areas in dementia care so that our research findings can lead to improved practices.

By bringing together people with dementia, their carers, researchers, clinicians, health care organisations and industry partners, we are well placed to translate our research into practice.

Our team addresses areas of national interest and examines these from the perspective of those receiving, delivering, managing and governing services.

The Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre was named the first National Health and Medical Research Council Partnership Centre for Better Health and continues to work with the NHMRC, the Department of Health, Dementia Australia and three innovative industry partners, HammondCare, Helping Hand Aged Care and Brightwater Care Group.

Professor Susan Kurrle Professor Susan Kurrle

Director, Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Curran Professor in Health Care of Older People
Northern Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Member of the Charles Perkins Centre

Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre Directorate

The Directorate supports the development of resources, communicates research outcomes, and oversees the implementation of evidence into practice initiatives. 

The Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre is a collaborative research centre that brings together the skills and expertise of clinicians, academics, aged care practitioners, policy makers, consumers and research managers to address priority areas in dementia care research.

Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre lead investigators:

The Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre academic researchers form part of a multi-disciplinary network involving individuals across six states and eleven universities. A wide range of specialities are represented including medicine, nursing, psychology, occupational therapy, pharmacology, social work, physiotherapy, sociology, law, health economics, health and aged care service management and pharmacy.

Consumer involvement in research

Consumers have been involved in constructing research questions, ensuring activities are appropriately targeted and participating in project steering committees. They have advised project teams on the most effective communication tools for consumers, and provided feedback for reports.

Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre Related Information

Events, News and Seminars

Clinical trials informed by patient care

Clinical trials informed by patient care

The Kolling Institute’s Professor Sue Kurrle and her team at the Rehabilitation and Aged Care Networ..... Read more

Category: Neuroscience and Pain Research, New Treatment, Research Excellence

Kolling NEWS

Kolling NEWS

Our Kolling Institute newsletter brings together a collection of profiles on our impressive research..... Read more

Category: New Treatment, Newsletters, Research Excellence

Kolling researchers receive Australia Day honours

Kolling researchers receive Australia Day honours

Two of our outstanding Kolling Institute researchers have been recognised in this year’s Australia D..... Read more

Category: Awards, Research Excellence